Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus commodo urna ac iaculis. Sed euismod laoreet leo. Vestibulum consectetur laoreet purus a sodales. Praesent turpis neque, interdum vel lorem at, tempus porttitor lacus. Nullam a pulvinar nibh, quis gravida nisl. Cras vitae hendrerit risus. Nunc vehicula odio tortor, ut vestibulum sapien mattis a. Maecenas tincidunt in nisi eleifend congue. Nulla pharetra turpis ullamcorper, euismod libero id, condimentum velit. Pellentesque vitae eros feugiat, tincidunt nisl nec, interdum neque. Mauris nisi magna, sodales vitae augue a, tincidunt posuere massa. Fusce ut semper dui, in vehicula magna. Aenean tempor, nibh eu volutpat posuere, tortor purus commodo sapien, nec semper eros risus sed enim. Curabitur adipiscing justo augue, in rhoncus mauris imperdiet a. Duis urna mi, dignissim et ante ac, mollis volutpat elit. Sed vulputate, leo ut ultrices pharetra, leo lacus semper nunc, vel porttitor arcu velit id ante. Aenean et lectus erat. Maecenas porttitor elementum sapien, ut bibendum nibh cursus id. Cras a diam vitae ligula dapibus faucibus. Morbi condimentum tortor in eros scelerisque, sit amet commodo ipsum euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam placerat purus in pellentesque pulvinar. Aliquam tincidunt venenatis massa vitae hendrerit.
Victoria’s Story
They’ve said about Victoria’s work
Victoria’s Clients
“We help so many people every day we have to save them for special occasions. We could use thousands every year.”
“We only have a couple of copies left. They have been so well received by our clients. I’ll ask our other location if they could use them.”
Pregnancy Center
“We’re giving them to everyone who visits our church. Thank you!”
“The ladies who came to our special woman’s meeting loved My Secret.”
Jail Ministry
“Please tell them thank you for sending the booklets. They’re so beautiful we’ve been using them for our retreats. We put them on each bed with notes and other materials. So many of the guest have come to me telling me how much they loved My Secret and what it meant to them.
It really seems to speak love to them in a way they can hear.”
“Thanks for sending them when you did. Yesterday we had a community baby shower and the booklets were huge hit. Some people even got saved!!! May God’s love and JOY fall all over you! Fill you to overflowing.”
Pregnancy Center
I love how it feels.
Pregnancy Center Volunteer
It is so inviting and beautiful!
Pregnancy Center Resources Director
I love using it!
Pregnancy Center Volunteer
Now I know they’ll have the gospel when they get home.
Pregnancy Center Volutneer
The quality and beauty make “My Secret” a gift I give to my clients.
Pregnancy Center Volunteer
We’ve been looking for a resource like this for years!
Pregnancy Center Director
The simple lines of poetry coupled with the beautiful photos of creation make for an engaging read.
Christian Teacher, England
Great work! A helpful resource!
Senior Pastor
It’s perfect! God has blessed you with a very unusual gift.
Retired Chaplain
Wow – that’s beautiful! … a winsome and helpful way to present the Gospel. I like that there’s a more detailed explanation following the poem and the Scriptures at the back.
The booklets I ordered will be passed out at the Chemo suite while I am there.
Cancer Patient
This looks fantastic!
Pastor's Wife
The graphics are beautiful and the message is very gentle and easy to receive.
Pastor -
It’s perfect for someone who needs encouragement.
Active Christian Grandmother
The photos and text fit together very well and the message is solid! Thanks for putting this together!
Missions Director
The booklet is BEAUTIFULLY done and the message is amazing! I will pass the link to others.
Missionary South America
Missionary -
“The center received your books and we LOVE them! We are using them at the center now. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Pregnancy Center Director